Ocean Saline Nasal Spray Recall — Foster's Supermarket

Ocean Saline Nasal Spray Recall

September 10, 2018 | NOT AFFECTED

Foster’s Food Fair-IGA would like to announce that Valeant Pharmaceutic has voluntarily issued a recall on Ocean Saline Nasal Spray due to a possible microbial contamination.

A microbial contamination is the possible exposure of a product to micro-organisms, such as fungi, bacteria, viruses and their biological by-product, which may cause disease and allergic responses to occupants.

Foster’s IGA does not carry Ocean Nasal Saline Spray and has not been affected by this recall.

The affected product is as follows:

No other Ocean branded products are included within this recall.

Customers should check the UPC’s Ocean branded products in their homes to be sure none of the affected product has been purchased.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out by email
([email protected]) or by phone (345-945-3663).