Live to Eat: 5 Healthy Foods You'll Love — Foster's Supermarket

Live to Eat: 5 Healthy Foods You’ll Love

Yes, we’ve all heard ‘New Year, New You’, which usually involves improving your eating habits. But it doesn’t have to be difficult or boring in trying to attempt this.

We’ve found 5 foods, that won’t just make your body feel good, but you’ll love incorporating into every meal!


  1. Avocados


  • Known for being a great source of vitamins C, E, K and B6, which are all great for your skin. 
  • They’re high in natural fiber which helps improve digestion.
  • One serving (a fifth of an avocado) contains approximately 64 calories (mostly from natural, healthy fats) and less than a gram of sugar.

Quick Meal Tips

  • Spread avocado on toast in the morning instead of butter.
  • Use avocado instead of mayonnaise in chicken or egg salad.
  • The soft, creamy texture of an avocado and its mild taste, make it a perfect first food for babies.


2. Oats


  • High in fiber, which is known to help lower levels of bad cholesterol.
  • Oats are rich in minerals and vitamins, including B6, iron, folate and zinc.
  • Whole-grain oats can help you feel-fuller, which could lead to weight loss. 

Quick Meal Tips

3. Salmon


  • A great alternative to protein sources such as chicken or beef, as it has ample protein but less saturated fat content.
  • 3 ounces of cooked salmon can provide 64% of the recommended daily vitamin D intake
  • Research has shown that salmon can benefit brain and cognitive processes.

Quick Meal Tips

  • Add salmon to pasta and rice dishes
  • Make salmon patties/burgers
  • Substitute chicken salad for salmon salad

4. Blueberries


  • Higher in antioxidants than nearly any other food, which can deliver heart benefits.
  • The fiber in blueberries helps you feel fuller, so you eat less, which could lead to weight loss.
  • One cup of blueberries can provide up to 24% of recommended daily vitamin C intake. Vitamin C can help prevent skin damage caused by sun, pollution & smoke. 

Quick Meal Tips

  • Use as toppings on oatmeal, yogurt or cereal
  • Whip them up in a smoothie (along with other fruits/vegetables, yogurt/low-fat milk)
  • Use in a salad with spinach, walnuts and cheese

5. Walnuts


  • High in protein and fiber – which can assist with weight loss
  • Walnuts are a good source of iron, magnesium and vitamin B6
  • A great source of mineral copper, which is good for bone health

Quick Meal Tips

  • Add chopped walnuts to a salad
  • For a snack – add chopped walnuts and fruit to yogurt
  • Make a pesto sauce using walnuts