School Success Starts with Nutrition — Foster's Supermarket

School Success Starts with Nutrition

As the new school year approaches, we’re here to help you kick-start it with health and happiness. At Foster’s, we understand that a nutritious diet plays a crucial role in your child’s academic and physical success. That’s why we’ve curated a collection of easy, healthy recipes perfect for busy mornings and lunchboxes alike. Join us in making this school year the best one yet!

Back-to-School Breakfast Boost: High-Protein Yogurt Parfait

Kickstart the school day with a nutritious, high-protein yogurt parfait that will keep your kids energized and focused. Here’s a quick and easy recipe using Foster’s high-protein yogurt to fuel their morning!

Why It’s Great: This breakfast parfait is rich in protein, which helps keep you full and energized throughout the morning. The combination of yogurt, fruits, and granola provides a perfect balance of protein, fiber, and essential vitamins.


  • 1 cup of high-protein yogurt
  • A handful of fresh fruits (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
  • 1/2 cup of granola
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


  • In a clear glass or bowl, add a layer of high-protein yogurt.
  • Add a layer of fresh fruits.
  • Sprinkle a layer of granola.
  • Repeat the layers until you reach the top of the glass.
  • Drizzle with honey.
  • Serve immediately and enjoy!

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Nutritious Lunchbox Tips to Keep Your Kids Energized:

Turkey and Veggie Wraps: Create a delicious and balanced lunch with turkey slices, fresh veggies, and whole-grain tortillas. Add a touch of hummus or a light spread of mayo to keep it flavorful. These wraps are easy to make and packed with protein and fiber to keep kids full and focused throughout the day.

  • Whole-Wheat Tortillas
  • Turkey Slices
  • Mixed Veggies

Quinoa Salad with Grilled Chicken: Combine protein-rich quinoa with grilled chicken, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and a light vinaigrette. This hearty salad is a powerhouse of nutrients and can be made ahead for busy mornings. It’s a perfect way to sneak in some extra veggies and keep lunchtime exciting.

  • Quinoa
  • Grilled Chicken Breast
  • Fresh Veggies

Whole-Grain Pasta Salad: Swap out regular pasta for a whole-grain variety and toss it with fresh veggies, lean protein like diced ham or grilled chicken, and a drizzle of olive oil. Add some cheese or a dash of your child’s favorite dressing for extra flavor. This dish is not only tasty but also provides a great source of fiber and complex carbs.

  • Whole-Grain Pasta
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Mozzarella Cheese

Bento Boxes with Lean Proteins, Whole Grains, and Veggies: Get creative with bento boxes! Fill them with lean proteins like grilled chicken, turkey slices, or boiled eggs, alongside whole grains like brown rice or quinoa. Add a variety of colorful veggies and a small treat to make lunch fun and nutritious. Bento boxes are perfect for portion control and variety.

  • Lean Proteins (Chicken, Fish)
  • Brown Rice
  • Assorted Fresh Veggies

Cheese and Fruit Kabobs: Make snack time fun with cheese and fruit kabobs. Skewer cubes of cheese with grapes, berries, or apple slices. This combination provides a great balance of protein and natural sugars to keep energy levels stable throughout the day.

  • Cheese Cubes
  • Mixed Fruits

Veggie Sticks with Hummus: Slice up crunchy veggies like carrots, cucumbers, and bell peppers, and pair them with a side of hummus. This snack is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, offering a healthy and satisfying option that’s easy to pack.

  • Carrot & Celery Sticks
  • Hummus

Whole-Grain Crackers with Nut Butter: Whole-grain crackers paired with almond or peanut butter make for a satisfying and nutrient-dense snack. The combination of healthy fats, protein, and fiber will keep kids feeling full and fueled for their activities.

  • Whole-Grain Crackers
  • Nut Butter

Greek Yogurt with Honey and Nuts: Pack a cup of Greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of nuts. This snack is packed with protein, healthy fats, and calcium, making it a delicious and nourishing choice to keep kids going strong.

  • Greek Yogurt
  • Honey
  • Mixed Nuts

Shop at the Island’s Supermarket:

Whether you’re stocking up on lunch essentials or looking for smart snacks, these options are designed to keep your kids healthy and happy. Foster’s offers a wide range of high-quality, nutritious ingredients to make preparing these meals a breeze. Visit us today and make school lunches a win every day!